I remember laying in the grass under sprinklers at Grandma Grace's house, and speeding along dirt tracks on my motorcycle.
Today, as we were stacking heavy pallets, building fences, burning a massive burn pile, felling a 40 foot tree, cleaning out the barn, playing with our dogs and ponies, I realized I was as happy as I've ever been. The days that we spend outside working together are some of my best and most dear memories.
We ate lunch in the shade of the barn, on Adirondack chairs. Our youngest pony picked up a bottle of green tea and lifted it into the air like she was drinking and it was so cute. I wish I'd had my camera. The cats were twining between our legs while the dogs panted at our feet, and we talked and laughed and life was as good as it gets. :)
It's not the first time I've realized that life is made up of small moments, the day-to-day stuff that we all too often forget to savor in the moment. I remember when my grandpa died. He was 91 years old and his mind had gone back to the past, to camping trips when his children were little, then farther back to his boyhood, working in the forest with his father and brother. I loved hearing those stories. He smiled and laughed as his eyes were clouded by pain and the effects of morphine. He squeezed my hand in his, blue veined with skin paper-thin, and he called me by my mother's name and told me how proud he was of me - of her.
One day, when I look back on these days of my "prime," I know that I'll remember the small moments of our day-to-day lives and I don't want to let them pass without realizing in the moment how blessed I am.
I hope that you realize the beauty in your small moments, too, that you don't spend your days looking to the future - to this big trip or that big moment. I hope you value the here and now.
At this very moment, I'm cozy in our family room with my hubby and kids who are watching a movie that doesn't hold my interest but I love simply being with them, the sound of their laughter and exclamations as they follow the story. And I'm thankful that they're here with me. Life is good.
©Just Kate, April 2010
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What about you? I'd love to hear some of your favorite small moments, the things that make you happiest, small and big.
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Funny thing is, and the reason this is a fond memory, is that she still calls me to fix all her problems. I just have to chuckle, when she calls, and think.......wow that's a nice compliment to give me.
I don't think I knew you were adopted, Jason, and your sister, too. Maybe you told me when we were talking about kids but I don't remember it. I know you seem to "collect" kids yourself and that we have that in common. *grins*
My brother was about one when I was born and my mom used to tell me stories about how mad he was! He used to get under my crib and kick up at me so that my mattress would jerk and hop. He was NOT excited about having a baby sister at all. Unfortunately, we haven't spoken for years, my choice, because he's never been kind to me.
For that reason, I think it's awesome that you and your sister do still communicate and she calls you when she needs help. That *DOES* say volumes about your relationship. You may not be close but she counts on you. :0) That's awesome!
Can't tell you how happy it made me to come and see you'd commented, Jas! I'm honored. Thank you!!!!!!
Ileene, one of these days we're going to sit on your porch and talk, I just know it! =D I'm so happy to hear that you are happy with your hubby and your life. If anyone deserves it, YOU DO!
Lucky is full grown by now, right? And whatever happened with your neighbors puppy? I never heard!
I used to dream about what I would do when I won the lottery or finally finished and publishing that book.
Baby steps......
When I think of being in the moment, I think of fully embracing the NOW apart from the past and future. But then again, I have this stark memory, this lovely memory, of being about six-years old and sitting behind the floor length curtain in our dining room with a cat in my lap and sunshine covering me head-to-toe. I was dreaming of what my life might one day be, dreaming of traveling the world to help people, dreaming of making a difference. :) And, yes, I think I was very in the moment even as I was dreaming. Those dreams came true, by the way, which makes me smile.
I like to think of you at home dreaming by the window with a lovely breeze. :) I hope your leg heals soon, my friend.
I really enjoyed reading about your favorite moments.
We tend to try to make perfect things happen and sometimes they do but years from now it's probably not that perfect thing we will remember most. It'll be the anticipation and everything it took to get there. =)
For instance I remember many things about going to Disney when I was little. I do remember the park and stuff but my fondest memories of that time are tiny things. Touching Chip's (or was it Dale's) tail. Streaking on hotel balconies. Dad's strong hands holding me up so I could get my picture in the stockades. My Mom's laughter as she drove the car. My brother wanting to give me away because he was mad at me....
One of the most special memories of my married life was a day when he and I were both sitting in the kitchen, I was trying to teach myself to water paint and he was working on something mechanical. We didn't say a single word to each other for hours. We just enjoyed being together. I remember that moment as being perfect.
But when I think back to my most precious memories my mind always travels to my Grammy's farm. We spent everyday in the summer there and every weekend through the year. Walking in the woods alone. Play acting in the fields. Walking along beside the hay bailer trying to help. Playing with the crayfish in the sping. Trying my hardest to figure out the secret password to my brother's and cousin's fort. Playing hot or cold with our blind uncle. Going for rides on the tractor with Uncle Harold. Watching soaps with Grammy. Lunch being exactly at noon and having to stay very quiet for the first few minutes so Grammy could hear the noon news on the radio.... The list is endless. I do not think there is a day that goes by that something doesn't remind me of The Farm. =)
Hey, Britt. I think the little things are what make life rich and rewarding. The big stuff can be fun, too, but we don't live in the big moments we live in the small ones. :) I'm glad to know that you take time to enjoy the "small" moments.
Chickee, I love hearing about your time growing up at your Grammy's house. I have similar memories. I even remember the horrible bee stings that I got working in the berry fields on the farm. The bee stings weren't good but it was the way my grandma would stop working to put mud on them. It always made me feel special because grandma rarely ever slowed down. :)
I also love the moment you described with your husband. My hubby and I have many similar moments and I love them.
I think you hit on something key when you mentioned how we seek to create perfect moments. I think that's really at the heart of what I wanted to say in the blog. We get all caught up in anticipating "big" things, we plan for them, yearn for them, think life will get better once we experience them, but sometimes those plans and hopes and dreams get in the way of our enjoying and appreciating the NOW, which is full of bright, beautiful everyday moments. :)
She came running into the living room and threw her arms around me, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Mommy, I just love this letter! It makes me so happy! You're so thoughful and I just love you so much!"
THAT was a perfect moment. :)
Hey, I always smile when I see you here! =D I love the mental picture you painted of your daughter and her joy in your thoughtfulness. It's exactly the kind of "small moment" I was talking about!
Jesse, You actually came to mind when I chose the photo for this one. I thought of your wife and daughters. So good to see you here, my friend. Hugs received and returned with interest. :)
One of my favorite memories as a child is the time our TV went on the blink and we were without a television for about a week, as it went to the repair shop. We spent time as a family playing cards, board games, yahtzee. It was a special time to me, one I've never forgotten. Then the tv came back...darn! Back to normal!
Hi ya, Jay!
When we came back from PNG we didn't have a tv. We used to sit in front of the fireplace in our tiny apartment and play board games. We owned next to nothing but we had so much fun, so I getcha. :)
You also reminded me of one of my all time FAVORITE things to do as a family when I was growing up. We were constantly driving from one end of the state to the other for my dad's business and to visit family. He was always nicest on the road without distractions. He would sing in his big, beautiful, booming voice and I would sing with him. He didn't know any words so he made them up. =D I loved that. And my mom - God - her voice was AWFUL, just AWFUL, but she sang too and that memory actually brings tears to my eyes because I loved her voice. I loved it. :) Better moments than stressful Disneyland for sure.
"...it's not really a bout whether or not we can go somewhere." Exactly. :)
Oh My goodness the bee stings!! Grammy would always apply mud, then after finding out I was allergic she would actually scrape and suck the sting before putting the cold mud on. I know it sounds kind of gross and over the top but There was LOVE involved there and it actually worked better than my medicine.
I have to conciously remind myself to live in the now and try to stop worrying about the what ifs or the whens.
I love to remember the moments... the sky... the love.. the ones I am close too.. the trees... nature as a whole... awe and wonder... what special moments.
I wish we had them more often. I wish I could experience what you are. I imagine how awesome it is. Since I am not... I do have deep appreciation for what I do have. I don't want to lose what I have for what I don't have.
Spring is such a great time... always gets me in the focus of the moment. :)
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