The car behind me honks long and loud as I sit, stunned and wondering where you’ve come from.
Front tire over yellow curb, I leave my car running in park and run to catch up, calling your name. Around a corner, I almost lose sight of you as I move through a sea of people in slow motion frenzy, trying to reach you.
At the bus stop, you pause and look at your watch then sit down on a bench I can’t see, although I know its location on this familiar street by heart.
Gasping for breath, I find myself behind you, hand outstretched, almost touching your hair. What stops me? It’s the sound of your voice, talking into a cell phone. The shape of your hand and wrist. The tiny birthmark that isn’t there.
Then you turn and smile and I see your profile and it really isn’t you at all but someone else with just your shade and texture of hair. Someone tall and straight with the same loose-limbed walk, wearing jeans that might have been yours and a t-shirt soft and worn in exactly the same shade of faded blue in which I buried you.
And I wanted it to be you more than anything. I want to go open the ground and check to see if you’re really there where you can’t be because you’re so alive inside of me that it’s impossible to believe you’ve gone.
I close my eyes and open them again, hoping to see that it’s you in front of me, but it’s not.
Back down the crowded sidewalk, I work my way back to my car, pull the ticket from the windshield, and drop it on the dashboard without reading it.
On autopilot, I drive familiar roads unseen and end up at the cemetery, not knowing how I got there.
There’s a patch of brown earth in the middle of green. The sight of the soil hurts me. I can barely breathe. You can’t possibly be down there when I’m up here. And I just want to find my way back to you.
I remember your bare feet, the frayed end of your jeans, the letter I slipped into your pocket that said I love you forever and ever. The one you never read because your eyes were dead.
And I can’t tell you everything I didn’t say before. I want to follow you, to be with you, to never ever leave you, but I can’t, not yet. You’d kill me for even thinking of it.
But I don’t know how to be in the world without you and it hurts.
Long moments pass on the dirt by the grass and the sun shifts in the sky and I grow quiet inside thinking of you. You once carved our initials in a picnic table top: you plus me equals true love always, and I laughed and teased you because it was so cliché. But now I want to do it too. With my finger in the dirt that covers you, I draw a heart and put us inside it.
I know it won’t last. The rain will wash it away or someone will scuff it with their foot but that’s okay.
Maybe I’ll grow old while you dance on the other side of forever but I’ll never stop loving you and I will miss you always and forever, even as I let you go.
©Unequivocal Kate, 2010
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So beautiful & full of longing... I felt this as if it was me drawing that heart.
Yes, it comes from my heart. As we take a turn toward Spring, I can't help but think of my parents and many others who left us in the Spring.
Thank you.
It means a lot to me, knowing that I was able to put you in the story. Thank you for telling me. :)
Evelyn, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. ♥
This story was born in the sadness that comes to me at this time of year, remembering the people that left in the Spring. I don't think I'll ever stop missing them, although I have let them go.
Sometimes when I write I feel like I'm laying a piece of my heart out and I wonder if anyone will see it for what it is. I know you do. Thank you for taking the time to tell me.
I first thought you were having a dream, then when the story began to unfold and you allowed me to feel the void left by the loss of someone close.. I thought of David (my cousin) He left us one day just as spring was about to arrive. I miss him just as much today as I did then.
You never cease to amaze me with your ability to draw me into your words. I feel them to my core and they bring forth memories with which I can relate. Does that make sense? I wasn't sure how to say it.
Love ya! ♥
I was thinking about why this came to me as a love story and I think it's because in a way, every person we love, regardless of gender or relationship is engaged in a love-story with us. My mother and I definitely had a love story and I could easily put us inside a heart. I think of my grandpa's hands... there was a love story between us, too, and my best friend Rachel from NZ who would INSIST on holding my hand everywhere, no matter how hard I tried to tug it away. I could go on and on, but my point is that each is a love story and I have seen each of them in a crowd and walked after them.
I delivered both of my maternal grandparent's eulogies and wrote the eulogies for both my parents. It's something I love to do, to honor the people I love.
Thanks for the kind words, Lazarus! I mean, JAY! ;P
Chickee - It's been awhile since I've said that name. :) Seeing it again makes me happy!
I was just saying to Jay that I think each person we love is in a love story with us, so this felt like every love to me. I don't know if that makes sense to other people or not. I still have one of my dad's wool plaid shirts, made by my grandma, and I love the feel of it. It's like the frayed jeans in my story.
I made popcorn the old fashioned way last night and started to cry because I suddenly remembered my Grandma Grace so powerfully it took my breath away. There's a very real longing there. I can't say that it's like the longing one feels after losing a husband or wife... I don't EVER want to know that. But it's love and longing just the same. Today, I will visit her grave. It's just down the street from where I live. My parents are there, too. Their graves are LONG covered with grass so I can't draw hearts over them but I would if I could and inside I'd write me plus you equals true love always. :)
And, yes, it makes sense that you are inside the story. That's where I want you to be. It's a scary thing to write something that hurts and not know if other people will feel it with you or just shrug. It means a lot to me when people say they can see or feel something I write. It makes me feel like part of something bigger than myself - the human spirit, I suppose.
Anyway, I ♥ you!
Steve, You have an amazing sense of connection to family and earth. I feel it in your writing. So, I'm not surprised that you see someone just ahead of you. I wouldn't be surprised if it's your dad, because you are, in fact, following him in so many ways.
As for the triathlon, I'm utterly shocked that you're willing to part from your hiking boots! What's up with that? =D
Thanks for stopping by, weekend warrior. I'm always happy to see you!
Hey, Kev. It always means a lot to me, hearing that someone feels something when they read me. Thanks for letting me know you were here.
LOL, Deb, so do I! :0) Thanks so much for reading. It makes me smile to see familiar "faces."
My....how I have missed you!
My soul smiled when I saw you had another story to tell and then my heart cried as I read it. I remembered my Dad that died in 2001, I miss him so much! So many loved ones gone, but never forgotten by me.
"...Maybe I’ll grow old while you dance on the other side of forever but I’ll never stop loving you..."
I loved the wording as I read that. My minds eye can see all my loving family, that has passed on, dancing in the land of promise....I cannot wait to be dancing there with them.
Very beautifully written! Thank you Kate for writing this. You have such an amazing way with words that touch my soul! It's little wonder why I adore your friendship so much!
With love and respect,
Calvin, I've missed you too, my friend.
I sometimes get overwhelmed by sadness, remembering the people who've gone on... I miss my parents. I miss my best friend, Rachel. I miss my grandparents. At the same time, I smile at the memory of them. Life is ephemeral. We have to grab it while we can, because in the end there is no holding on.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Calvin. ♥
Eccentricity, Another friend I've been missing since I deactivated my fb account. Thanks for stopping by to say hi. :)
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